Saturday, April 07, 2007

Lunch Time

This is Pat and Jerry during one of our in service trainings. We stayed in this hotel for about a week, and we ate the same thing every lunch break: bread, sweet chili sauce, mustard, wine and most importantly rotisserie chicken... we were eating two chickens a day by the end of the week.... mi e dor mancare din America....


Unknown said...

Do you happen to know of a fellow PCV in Moldova named Lynn? She started in the fall as well. I'm trying to find out her address!

James Free said...

chris - well i finally made it to your blog site. i hope this works as the instructions are all in thai and unlike you my language classes are non-existent.
great to read about your times and wine adventures. i have to say its one of the substances i crave the most here in thailand. very expensive in comparison to food and shelter.
i do have one question... on most days you wake up and go to the office and do ......(fill in the blank). as someone who is not updated by the family news i haven't a clue.
congrats on making PC a reality. i remember talking about it in some bar in WA i think it was dark and stormy outside too.
hope all is well. enjoy the three things i don't ever get to eat (cheese, bread, and wine)
breathe deep,